lsp loaded, Enter HB to execute') (defun c:HB (/ OLDCE SSET CNT OBJ) (setq OLDCE (getvar 'cmdecho')) (setvar 'cmdecho' 0) (princ ' Select Hatch Objects: ') (setq SSET (ssget)) (setq CNT -1) (while. the most common application involves section views where different hatch patterns represent different parts or materials. I went thru the -hatch command and walked thru it in CAD first writting down all my prompts. When prompted, choose whether or not to associate the hatch with the new boundary. More Free AutoLISP and Visual LISP code snippets for AutoCAD LISP to convert of hatches made of spline boundaries to polyline boundaries I have a workflow that requires hatches to be recreated from being made of splines to been made of polylines. Hatch2L - hatch area between two boundary polylines (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 17kB. Hatch boundary lisp Not only is the area “Hatched”, but a “Polyline Boundary” is created from the existing geometry, as in Figure 4.